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Suvio NFT Hub

Suvio is a revolutionary platform that leverages blockchain technology to empower artists, collectors, and enthusiasts in the digital art and collectibles space. Suvio aims to create an inclusive and vibrant ecosystem where artists can showcase their work, collectors can discover unique pieces, and users can engage in secure and transparent transactions.
Suvio is a multichain NFT hub that facilitates NFTs of various blockchains like Sui, Aptos, Venom, Solana, Polygon etc. in a single platform.

Unique Features

Fully Automated "No Code" Launchpad
Suvio provides a revolutionary "No Code" completely automated NFT Launchpad, where artists can unleash their creativity and effortlessly bring their digital masterpieces to life as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Our fully automated platform streamlines the entire NFT creation and launch process, empowering artists to focus solely on their art. With just a few simple steps, artists can upload the layers of their artwork, provide essential information, and watch as our system automates the minting and listing of their NFTs. From metadata and smart contract generation & integration, to royalty distribution and marketplace integration, our NFT Launchpad handles it all, giving artists the freedom to express their creativity while we take care of the rest.

Social Media Platform
Suvio's Social Media Platform is a special place where you can connect with people who love art and share your unique NFT creations. Suvio's social media platform lets you create an account using your wallet and show your NFTs and collections on your own profile. You can display your NFTs, get appreciation, and interact with other creators by liking and commenting on their amazing NFTs in our easy-to-use comment boxes. You can also send private messages to collaborate, discuss, and make friends with other passionate artists and NFT enthusiasts.and effortlessly bring their digital masterpieces to life as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Our fully automated platform streamlines the entire NFT creation and launch process, empowering artists to focus solely on their art. With just a few simple steps, artists can upload the layers of their artwork, provide essential information, and watch as our system automates the minting and listing of their NFTs. From metadata and smart contract generation & integration, to royalty distribution and marketplace integration, our NFT Launchpad handles it all, giving artists the freedom to express their creativity while we take care of the rest.

Smartphone Adoption
Suvio is taking its innovative hub to the next level with a lightning-fast mobile browser adaptation and a brand new mobile app. Now, you can seamlessly access Suvio and all its features on your mobile device, giving you the freedom to explore, engage, and showcase your NFT creations on the go.

Unique User protection System
At Suvio, we are committed to providing the highest level of privacy and security for our users. In addition to our unique user protection system that safeguards personal information and ensures a safe environment, we are thrilled to introduce an extra layer of security through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). With 2FA, you can enjoy enhanced account protection by verifying your identity through a secondary authentication method. This additional security measure adds an extra shield of defense against unauthorized access and strengthens the privacy of your Suvio account.

Simple yet Smart UI
With a sleek and intuitive interface, navigating Suvio becomes effortless, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your art and connections. Our Smart UI utilizes intelligent design principles to present information and options in a clear and user-friendly manner, making it easier than ever to showcase your NFTs, engage with the community, and explore new artistic horizons.

Automatic fetching of Hashes from blockchain using contract address

Say goodbye to long waiting list for launchpads approval. Our automated system immediately fetches the hash list of minted NFTs just from the contract address of the smart contract of collection.

AI On the Edge

Real-time recognition of a constantly changing scene based on video streaming requires high data bandwidth if performed in the cloud

Nextron Technology for NFT Hubs and Marketplaces

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Easy to Use

A simple 4-step NFT collection listing

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Automated Approvals

Collection gets fetched from smart contract address and listed automatically within seconds

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Multichain Technology

Supports many blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, Aptos, Sui and many more.

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Light and Fast Design

Simple UI for easy and fast listing